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us version .COM
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(Link to this query : [google-killer] .COM||.IE||.CO.UK||.DE||.FR||.NL)
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About the Tool

Welcome to our Google / Bing Comparison tool. Enter your query and we will return the results for both searach engines. You can easily see the difference in the quality of the results as they are displayed side by side. If you have comments about this tool, please leave them on our Bing Review. This tool started out as something rather basic, but thanks to your feedback we have expanded it to be more internationalized, and user friendly. Please excuse the patchy design, but our focus was on the usability and to be able to launch a product sooner rather than later.

Update October 2014

Note: this tool is no longer a dependable way for checking the differences between Google & Bing. We now receommend that you use a VPN to log into the different versions of these search engines. Changining your IP address will insure that you just get results for that particular market.

About Us

We are a internet specalists in all things SEO based in Munich, Germany. W offer conversion optimisation & search engine optimisation, specialising in English SEO for German Companies. BlackDog over 10 years experience in web optimisation, and since 2009 is an independant company, run by Paul Savage.

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